My Happy Pill – B-Alert

Woman wearing pink collared half sleeved top

My Happy Pill – B-Alert To many of my clients, B-alert supports positive thinking, mental clarity, increased well being and motivation to live up to their full potential.  Personally, this product makes me work better! Which means more revenue and more time spent with my family. There has not been a day that goes by that this […]

Toxic Splenda (Sucralose) In Everyday Food!

stevia, leaf, sugar plant

To make sucralose or Splenda, three chlorine molecules are added to a sucrose or sugar molecule.  The chemical process alters the sugar so much that it creates a fructo-galactose molecule. This type of molecule does not occur in nature, so the human body can not properly metabolize it, which makes it a zero calorie sweetener. […]

Why “Spring Like Water” is the Best

Running water over stones in a river

How do naturally filtered “spring like water” and reverse osmosis (RO) compare? Let’s look at the pros and cons. Reverse osmosis typically includes a 5-step process. The last step is ultra-violet light used to remove bacteria and other organisms. This step is not usually included in home RO systems. This is also an expensive option […]

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