Weight loss without working out!
Does working out help me loose fat weight. It’s a question many of us could ask. More than 45 million Americans now belong to a fitness or health club, up from 23 million in 1993. We spend some $19 billion a year on gym memberships. Of course, some people join with good intentions and never […]
Lose 3 pounds a week by “Food Combining”
Dr. William Howard Hay, pioneer of the food combining diet, graduated from the University of New York in 1891. Diagnosed with a host of ailments, including high blood pressure, heart difficulty and Bright’s disease, Dr. Hay decided to treat his conditions with DIET MODIFICATIONS. The various methods he employed became catalysts for a diet revolution […]
Combine Food Properly and lose 3 pounds a week!
If foods are improperly combined, digestion can take up to eight hours to complete, whereas when properly combined it only takes about three hours. Save your energy for working, playing, thinking, detoxifying, and healing instead of digesting. Proper food combining also promotes a more energetic, mentally acute, emotionally stable individual who can handle stress more […]
Principle 5: Practice Food Combining and Heal Thyself.
Excerpt from Chapter 5 of Food Beautiful Book: Rotting garbage does not belong in your body, so why eat it? Fermentation and digestive genocide, which increase your risk of major cellular damage, are the result of poor food combining. When fast-digesting foods get backed up behind slower digesting foods and they begin to rot, turning […]
Tip of the Day – Sprouted Lentils
Sprouted lentils, and sprouts in general, are known as one of the most complete foods available to humans, with protein levels rivaling those of meat and vitamin C levels equal to most citrus fruits. Almost every substance naturally present in the sprouted lentil increases during germination, and the existing substances, such as protein and starch […]